Sunday, April 8, 2012

Freedom Constitution

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In mathematics there are things called basis functions. A polynomial in x has powers of x as its basis functions. There follows some ideas on basis functions for a "Freedom Constitution".

Abortion rights:
-- A mother carrying a baby should have the right to abort. If others have devised a relatively comfortable way of aborting which will not kill the baby, and commit to caring for the baby; then they may take the baby.

Equality rights:
-- Governments may not treat
---- single people any differently than people in non-single relationships.
---- a parent any differently than a non-parent.
---- people differently because of their race, relationships with others, or sex.
-- The above implies:
---- Governments must treat people in same sex relationships the same as other relationships.

-- Definition: Restricting a person's ability to go where they want.
-- This should not be allowed, unless the person is a danger to society.
-- Anyone kidnapping should be removed from society.
-- Governments that kidnap (prevent people from leaving their country) should be removed from society. Examples: recent Lybian government & the present Syrian government